Thursday, January 21, 2016


You create a life and for nine months this little creature develops inside your womb.  you deal with morning sickness and constipation and all the other symptoms that come along with pregnancy.  You deal with sleeplessness, restlessness,  body aches, and hormone flares.  Every member of your household is on an emotional roller coaster because of your pregnancy.  Your joyous and a few seconds later you are sad.   Commercials on t.v. make you laugh, cry, and throw the remote.  You deal with the excruciating pain of labor or the painful recuperating of c-section.  But when you look at those little rosy cheeks, those beautiful big eyes, all the pain and suffering you went through means nothing.  You forget all the body aches, and the nausea.  You feel that instant gratification when they yawn, cry, sigh, and smile.  Life will never be the same again.  They steal your heart, your nights, and your life and make it all into this world that you can only dream of.  You will have sleepless nights and days filled with crying.  you will want to pull your hair out when you cant figure out whats wrong with your little baby.  and even though some days you wonder what your life was like pre-baby, you will feel like you were incomplete and now you are whole.  Life is a wonderful thing and never you will yearn for the old times when you could just pack up and go.  you will bask in this new found life of love and diapers.  Enjoy it.  Take in every moment. Create memories.  It goes by so fast.  In a blink of an eye, they will be graduating from high school. 

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